What was in my bag?
Trust Fund Beauty in “Wine O’Clock”: I have tried other products from this company and I really like them. I did not like this color because the red shade chosen is so common, it would have been nice to receive a different color. Also, I saw the same color was sent to pretty much everyone so it wasn’t tailored to my preferences. The only good thing about this situation is if you have been dying to get something from this company then you can find this on the cheap all over eBay!.
Bubble T Cosmetics- Macaroon Lip Balm in Lemongrass and Green Tea: The packaging is adorable and I like that they used essential oils. However, other then the esthetics this does not make me think of a delicious macaroon. There is a very perfume smell/taste to this product. The formula is light and hydrating so that is a plus but when you put it on you can definitely smell and taste this. I am very curious about the other products from this company.
Final Thoughts: I am happy I made some changes to my preferences. I am not thrilled with all of the items that I received; hopefully, the items I receive in the future are more tailored to my needs. I still love the value that this subscription offers because I get more than $10.00 worth of items which is a score considering I accrue points for other items and there are no hidden fees.
If you are interested in getting a glam bag of your own: GET ONE HERE!
All opinions expressed are my own. I received no compensation for this post and I am not an affiliate of any company shown.